Accounting is like spaghetti , Every thing touches everything else - Cindy Simpson, Yaegar CPA Review
I agree with Cindy over that. And my preparation reminds me of that quote every time. I got these handed down Yaegar FAR self study material from a friend and a Becker text book . As I won CPAExcel's FAR course it added to my preparation material. So again I have plenty to prepare. But this time I don't want to mess up my preparation going over everything. That is impossible and overwhelming.
So I decided that I will first listen Yaegar lectures because they are like live lectures. They cover all major topics and they do MCQ's along with us and I think that makes a lot of difference. Some call it spoon feeding but I am ok with that. More over they don't do each and every question so, I don't count it as spoon feeding.
But CPAExcel's course is really keeping me on track. They got this nice little scheduling software. We need to enter the start date of preparation and the exam date and they neatly lay out a preparation schedule with due dates .We can also prepare our own schedule.
And really preparing according to the schedule leaves me no time for anything else. The questions, problems other than past exam problems are different and making me think and practice them again on paper. And missing a day is bringing me nightmares. I don't want to compare the reviews right now. So far I just completed the basic concepts.. and really a long way to go..
If you want to try CPA Excel's Course you can try it here for free Click Here (Use the CPAExcel online button and then click the Trial button)